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- Written by Eddy Lanz
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 16831
is acknowledged by Jews and Christians alike as God's Holy Word. It comprises roughly three quarters of the Christian Holy Bible and the New Testament is deeply rooted in it. It continues to exert a great spiritual influence all over the world. Have a look at some material for learning Hebrew and keeping it afresh with the Urdu or English reader in mind.
WLC Hebrew Old Testament Audio Files
Some of the Minor Prophets (according to the Westminster Leningrad Codex, see http://www.wts.edu/resources/alangroves/grovesprojects.html ) in audio format can be downloaded for free from here. Also some poetic and wisdom books can be downloaded from here.
Basic Old Testament Hebrew
Here you can download "Basic Old Testament Hebrew" by Eddy Lanz. This book helps you to learn the basics of biblical Hebrew. It includes for example the 500 most frequently used words in the Hebrew Old Testament and their Urdu meanings. The audio files beneath give the forms of the verbs and the nouns and the vocabulary lists of this book and the Hebrew verses for the daily readings to practise one's Hebrew and keep it alive.
01 The Alphabet - Consonants
01 The Vowel Signs
01 Vocabulary
02 Vocabulary
03 Vocabulary: Nouns
04 Adjectives: tov
04 Qal Participles
04 Vocab: Adjectives
05 Qal Perfect Forms
05 Vocab: Verbs
06 Qal Imperfect Forms
06 Vocab: Verbs
07 Qal Imperatives
07 Vocab: Verbs
08 Noun with Suffixes
08 Qal Infinitves. Vocab: Verbs
09 Niphal Perfect, Imperatives and Infinitives
09 Vocab: Verbs and others
10 Niphal Imperfect and Participle
10 Vocab: Prepositions
11 Piel Perfect, Imperatives, Infinitives
11 Vocab: Piel Verbs etc.
12 Piel Impferfect and Participle
12 Vocab: Pronouns and Nouns
13 Pual Perfect and Infinitive Absolute
13 Vocab: Small Words and some Nouns
14 Pual Imperfect and Participle
14 Vocab: Numbers etc.
15 Hitpael Perfect, Imperatives and Infinitives
15 Vocab: Nouns
16 Hithpael Imperfect and Participle
16 Vocab: Nouns
17 Hiphil Perfect, Imperatives and Infinitives
17 Vocab: Verbs
18 Hiphil Imperfect and Participle
18 Vocab: Hiphil Verbs and Nouns
19 Hophal Perfect and Infinitive
19 Vocab: Nouns
20 Hophal Imperfect and Passive Participle
20 Vocab: Nouns
Audio files of the daily readings of the Hebrew verses:
Gn 1:27 to 50:20
Ex 3:14 to 40:34
Lv 19:2 to Dt 33:27
Jos 1:7 to 1 Kgs 19:18
1 Chr 17:11 to Job 42:6
Ps 1:6 to 22:1
Ps 23:1 to 34:1
Ps 34:4 to 50:3
Ps 50:15 to 103:22
Ps 104:24 to 126:6
Ps 130:1 to Prov 6:8
Prov 7:2 to 16:18
Prov 16:32 to 24:16
Prov 25:21 to Eccl 12:14
Song of Songs 8:6 to Is 10:21
Is 11:1 to 44:6
Is 44:22 to 66:13
Jer 1:5 to Lam 3:39
Ez 3:17 to Dan 12:3
Hos 2:19 to Mal 4:5
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- Written by Eddy Lanz
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 18235
mein Name ist Eddy Lanz. Ich unterrichte die Bibel seit einigen Jahren in Urdu, Deutsch und Englisch. Dabei entstehen Artikel, Gliederungen und ähnliches Material. Hier ist einiges davon. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Ihre Freude dran.
Altes Testament
Gen 11-23 Abraham und das Risiko des Glaubens (html)
Gen 11-23 Abraham und das Risiko des Glaubens (pdf)
Der ungeteilte Jesaja pdf 1.6 MB
Die Gesamtstruktur des Jesajabuchs
Die Abschnitte über den Knecht des HERRN in Jesaja, der leidet und verherrlicht wird.
Gerechtigkeit im Alten Testament (pdf)
Neues Testament
Handout für das Neue Testament (pdf)
Gliederung des Matthäusevangeliums
Der geschichtliche Rahmen der Apostelgeschichte und das Leben des Paulus
Die drei Berichte von der Bekehrung des Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte (pdf)
Der Heilige Geist in der Apostelgeschichte
Gliederung der Offenbarung des Johannes
Einige Hinweise zur neutestamentlichen Kanonfrage
Ehe, Scheidung und Wiederheirat im Alten und Neuen Testament
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- Written by Eddy Lanz
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 16772
and welcome. I am Eddy Lanz and I have been teaching the Holy Scriptures for some years now, in German, English and Urdu. While you teach, you produce materials, outlines, articles. Here is some of it. I hope, you will enjoy it.
Some of the files in the Urdu section are pdf-files with embedded Urdu fonts. You will be able to read them with a good pdf-reader like the one from Adobe .
To read the html-files you will need to have an Urdu font installed. The html-files are written with the Nafees Web Naskh ttf-fonts which you can get from http://www.cle.org.pk/, that means from here.
God bless!
Old Testament
Genesis: Toledoth
Genesis: Toledoth of Tarah
Exodus Outline
Exodus: 10 Commandments
Exodus: Book of the Covenant
Leviticus Outline
Numbers Outline
Numbers: Census
Deuteronomy Outline
Deuteronomy: 10 Commandments as Topics in 12-26
Joshua Outline
Judges Outline
Judges: Years
Samuel Outline
Kings Outline
Isaiah 1,1-2,1 Outline
Isaiah 2,1-13,1 Outline
Isaiah 40,1-52,12 Outline
Isaiah 52,13-66,24 Outline
The Prophecies about the Servant of the Lord in Isaiah and their fulfillment in Jesus Christ
New Testament
Romans 9 to 11: God's way with Israel
1 Timothy Outline
Revelation Outline
The Three Sevener Cycles in Revelation
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Amde Sani)
Important Texts about the Last Days
Bible Reading Schedule in Urdu
Church History in Urdu by Dieter Becht, 4.7 MB pdf
- Details
- Written by Eddy Lanz
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 15963
I am Eddy Lanz and I have been teaching the Holy Scriptures for some years now, in German, English and Urdu. While you teach, you produce materials, outlines, articles. Here is some of it. I hope, you will enjoy it. God bless!
Old Testament
The Toledot Structure of Genesis
Human Sexuality in the Genesis Creation Narrative by Paul Burgess
Why the Codex Leningradensis and the Codex Aleppo agree about the sedarim in Isaiah after all
God's Spirit in the Old Testament
New Testament
New Testament Survey (book in pdf, 1.1 MB)
Luke 1:67-79: The Praise of Zechariah
The Mystery of Godliness (book in pdf, 2.9 MB)
Basic Systematic Theology (book in pdf, 2.0 MB)
God's Spirit in the Old Testament
God's Spirit in the New Testament
Eschatology in the Old and New Testament
Evidence for the Crucifixion of Jesus
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